Refund a Payment

Refund a Payment

Use this endpoint to request a full refund or partial refund of a successful ShopeePay transaction.

  • URL: "/v3/merchant-host/transaction/refund/create-new"

Types of Refund:

  • Full Refund: a transaction’s full amount
  • Partial Refund: multiple (partial) amounts as long as the sum does not exceed the transaction's full amount. Merchant should wait for the previous partial refund to complete successfully before creating the next partial refund.

The refund expiration period is set at 365 days, starting from when the initial payment is made.

Calling Create Refund endpoint will return 2 status types:

  • Success - transaction successfully refunded, customer can try paying again.
  • Failed - transaction can be found but it does not meet the requirements for refund.

Note: Refund endpoint supports idempotent response. Multiple API requests using the same payload will only trigger the action once to prevent the risk of creating duplicate refunds.

Request Parameters

request_idstringYUnique identifier for request, accepts up to 64 characters.
reference_idstringYUnique identifier of transaction generated by merchant, referring to payment\_reference\_id passed to ShopeePay when payment was created.
transaction_typeuint32YRefer to Transaction Types for specific transaction types. Eligible transaction types for refund are: all payment transaction type.
refund_reference_idstringYUnique identifier of refund transaction generated by merchant.Accepts up to 64 characters.
merchant_ext_idstringYUnique identifier of merchant in merchant system.
store_ext_idstringYUnique identifier of store in merchant system.
amountint64YAmount of the refund transaction, inflated by a factor of 100. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit, with no decimal point.
  • Smallest amount will be 1, which represents 0.01.
  • For currencies that do not have denomination in cents, the smallest amount will be 100, which represents 1 IDR (Rp 1) or 1 VND (₫ 1).

If merchant is on full refund and did not pass this parameter, the refund request will be processed as usual.

Sample API Request


"request_id": "input-refund-request-id-here",
"reference_id": "payment_abc12345",
"transaction_type": 13,
"refund_reference_id": "unique-refund-ref-id",
"merchant_ext_id": "external-merchant",
"store_ext_id": "external-store",
"amount": 10000


Response Parameters

request_idstringUnique identifier for request.
errcodeint32Error code to specify the error returned.
debug_msgstringDebug message to provide more information.
transactionobjectWill return empty list if no such transaction.
  • reference_id
stringUnique identifier of refund transaction generated by merchant.
  • amount
int64Amount of the refund transaction, inflated by a factor of 100. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit, with no decimal point.
  • Smallest amount will be 1, which represents 0.01.
  • For currencies that do not have denomination in cents, the smallest amount will be 100, which represents 1 IDR (Rp 1) or 1 VND (₫ 1).
  • transaction_sn
stringTransaction serial number of the refund transaction in ShopeePay system.
  • status
uint32Refer to Transaction Status for specific transaction statuses.
  • transaction_type
uint3215, referring to refund transaction type. Refer to Transaction Types for specific transaction types.
  • create_time
uint32Create time of the transaction.
  • update_time
uint32Update time of the transaction.
  • user_id_hash
stringIdentifier for customer that made the payment.
  • merchant_ext_id
stringUnique identifier of merchant in merchant's system.
  • store_ext_id
stringUnique identifier of store in merchant's system.
  • terminal_id
stringIf terminal ID info exists in transaction.
  • payment_channel
uint32Indicates the source of fund used. Refer to Payment Channels for the respective source of fund.
co_fundingobjectWill return empty if no co-funding involved. Note: This field is currently used in Thailand and Vietnam only.
  • promotion_ext_name
stringName of the promotion for merchant’s reference.
  • redeemed_promotion_amount
int64Amount of the promotion benefit obtained by customer through co-funding, inflated by a factor of 100. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit, with no decimal point.

Note: for refund transaction types, this will be the amount of promotion benefit ShopeePay clawbacks from the customer in that refund transaction.


  • Smallest amount will be 1, which represents 0.01.
  • For currencies that do not have denomination in cents, the smallest amount will be 100, which represents 1 IDR (Rp 1) or 1 VND (₫ 1).
  • redeemed_promotion_type
uint32Refer to Promotion Types for specific transaction types.
  • co_funding_cost_amount
int64Amount of cost born by merchant for the promotion benefit, inflated by a factor of 100. A positive integer in the smallest currency unit, with no decimal point. Note: for refund transaction types, this will be the amount of co-funding amount that the merchant will no longer be charged for due to that refund transaction.
  • Smallest amount will be 1, which represents 0.01.
  • For currencies that do not have denomination in cents, the smallest amount will be 100, which represents 1 IDR (Rp 1) or 1 VND (₫ 1).

Sample API Response


"request_id": "input-unique-request-id-here",
"errcode": 0,
"debug_msg": "success",
"transaction_list": {
"reference_id": "refund_payment_abc12345",
"amount": 10000,
"transaction_sn": "019703251690639893",
"status": 3,
"transaction_type": 15,
"create_time": 1647351920,
"update_time": 1647351920,
"user_id_hash": "15e455125fba426a4a2bb9145b3af2906813a7f222f6eab93b026ead62dc8d76",
"merchant_ext_id": "external-merchant",
"store_ext_id": "external-store",
"terminal_id": "A88",
"payment_channel": 1


Response Code

Please refer to the following description for a general explanation of the errcode returned during an API Response.

For a more detailed explanation, it is advisable to consult debug_msg field. This field provides additional information that can offer valuable insights for troubleshooting.

Merchants may choose to display the debug_msg to their operators or staffs to facilitate prompt identification and resolution of the issue.

-2A server dropped the connection
-1A server error occurred
1The request parameters is invalid or a mandatory parameter is empty
2Permission denied, often due to invalid status
4Not found, often due to merchant/store/user/transaction not found
5Transaction is in processing status, use Check Transaction Status endpoint to query the updated status of the refund
11Duplicated request
42Insufficient balance
304Unable to process refund due to payment exceeding refund validity period
308Unable to process refund due to payment was made using non refundable voucher
309Unable to process refund due to merchant does not have enough fee balance
320Unable to process refund due to another ongoing refund request for the transaction
321Unable to process refund due to insufficient balance
401Unable to process refund due to requested refund amount exceeds transaction amount
601Unable to process refund that does not meet the refund rules, such as:
Refund operation is not allowed for the chosen merchant/store
The transaction has already been refunded before
Refund to a payment made by a different merchant/store is not allowed
Refunds are not allowed during refund block periods, by default it is set at 12am to 5am based on the local time
Please note that the listed reasons are not exhaustive.
602Request to refund an unsuccessful payment transaction
1302Unable to process refund due to insufficient balance
1906Unable to process refund due to transaction has been failed
1908Service is temporarily down for scheduled maintenance
300226Unable to refund to cross border merchants